Did you know God gives mantles? There are many circling the Earth waiting for someone worthy to carry it on their shoulders.
When Elisha asked for a "double portion" of his Master's spirit, he was awarded a garment, a "mantle". But, when the guild of prophets saw Elisha, they didn't say Elijah's mantle rested on him, they said the spirit of Elijah rested on him.
Within the exchange between Master, Servant, & the Guild of Prophets lies a mystery. The mystery of 2 Kings, if uncovered, will empower Prophets all across the world to step into another realm of spiritual exchange, power & potency.
All the Prophets of scripture wore "Mantles". However, Mantles were just symbols of a heavenly reality. The power & dignity of a Prophet was not just denoted by the garment they wore, but by what they commanded in the unseen world.
In this 3 session course we will delve into
- Mantles: what they are & how to receive one.
- How to access & partner with Ancient Mantles
- How to develop, exercise, & employ your Mantle
- The importance of Impartation & Mentorship
- The Ministry of Huldah: "the Keeper of the Wardrobe"
Class Begins November 13th, 2023 at 7 pm weekly. See you soon.